Rodent Pest Control Blacktown

Rodents are a year-round problem, but are particularly worse in the cooler months.

With our Rodent Pest Control Blacktown, we place and secure wax type baits in roof voids as per Australian Standards. If required, we will also place baits in secure bait stations around your property. These baits are irresistible to rodents and are sure to take care of the problem. If the problem persists for more than a month and all of the baits have been taken, simply give us a call and we will come out and re-bait the area.

We recommend clients combine a Rodent Pest Control Blacktown with a General Pest Treatment for total home control. With this combined treatment, we offer a discount of $50 (incl GST).

To prevent rodents in your home we recommend keeping all food preparation areas clean and tidy, store all foods in sealed containers and empty rubbish bins nightly.

NOTE: At Buzz Off Termites & Pest Management we carry our Rodent Pest Control Blacktown as per Australian Standards. We complete a roof inspection and secure baits to roof rafters in areas of activity. This means that baits cannot be taken whole by rodents and dropped into yards for pets or even children to access. Many Pest Control companies simply throw baits into roof cavity.

If you would like your Treatment carried out safely and professionally, call Buzz Off today on 02 9622 1021.

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